Thursday, April 23, 2015

External Visitation and Review

Tekamah-Herman Schools, as every other public school district in Nebraska, participates in a Continuous Improvement Cycle to set goals and make sure we are moving in a positive direction.  Every five years, the district entertains an external visitation team to review the Continuous Improvement Process.  The district had a measurable goal of improving reading comprehension in all grades and an immeasurable goal of improving communication in and out of the district. 
            The external team that visited was composed of four public school administrators and one community college representative who was formally in a K-12 public district.  This team met with our Continuous Improvement Team and administrators, took tours of our buildings, met with elementary and junior/senior high students, met with some of our teaching staff, had lunch with some of our Board members, and then reported their observations, commendations, and recommendations for our next five-year cycle.
            We have many great things going on at Tekamah-Herman Schools that were recognized by the external team.  Some of those highlights included: 1) having great students and staff who were proud to be a part of Tekamah-Herman, 2) an outstanding curricular offering for a district of our size, 3) the active participation of our students (extracurricular, i-Help, FBLA, Computer Club, FCCLA, National Honor Society) in the school and community, 4) the Board’s vision in creating the curriculum coordinator position, which has proven to be invaluable, 5) the positive strides taken to prepare students for the digital world with technology, 6) the use of data to guide decisions and improve student learning in the classroom.
            While one of the duties of the external team is to help us celebrate our accomplishments (noted above), another is to provide suggestions for improvement in our district.  There were two or three minor changes they recommended which can be addressed over the summer concerning staffing and technology, but there was one big one that they spent most of their time on when reporting out to our staff.  Facilities.  The external team reinforced, as a district, we must reach, challenge, and educate students regardless of what is going on around us.  This is absolute fact and something we strive to reach on a daily basis.  However, the quote they used several times was “You are doing the best you can with what you have”.  This struck me and made me ask, is this fair to our students to just get by when they are competing with so many other students for scholarships, placement in higher level education, and jobs once they leave us?
I think most would agree our facilities are in need of some significant attention, however there is not a clear public majority as to what that should be. 
In addition to several facility comments from the team, they stressed the importance of everyone (teachers, administration, Board of Education, and communities) getting on the same page and working toward a common goal for our students.  I hope each of you are reading these articles, sharing with those that aren’t, talking about the future of our district, and educating yourself as to the needs of our district.  If you have talked with a Board member, please continue to do so.  If you have not, please take the time.  If an external team can make such strong observations in the span of nine or ten hours in our facilities, it is a pressing need for our students.  The Board wants to do what is best for our students and needs public input for that to happen.  If we continue to fail bond issues or make incorrect decisions regarding our facilities because of lack of input, that is a severe injustice to our students, current and future.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Educational Consulting Services and Progress

            Since the Board of Education approved hiring Educational Consulting Services and Jerry McCall to help guide them toward a decision concerning the future facilities of our district, there has not been a lot of information to report.  What I can definitively share is that he is extremely thorough in his craft and will certainly have a multitude of information he is able to share with the Board.
            Mr. McCall has the ability and resources at his disposal to gather far more information and predictive data, and in turn interpret those facts, more adeptly than any single body or organization (superintendent, Board of Education, community committee) could possibly imagine.  He has been in contact with the leadership in both Tekamah and Herman, Burt County officials, economic development, community colleges, regional planners, staff members at within the district, and others to accrue as much information as possible before developing some of his own thoughts.  He will be sharing with a Board committee as he works through the process, with goal to being for the Board to come to a consensus, based on facts and professional input, as to the best solution for Tekamah-Herman Schools.  Mr. McCall is expected to be done with his work no later than September 1st, though may be completed sooner.
            While I understand the public interest, and encourage that to be sustained, this is a process that must be completed.  Following the failed bond election in November, the Board has continued to work toward a solution to our facility concerns.  The issues are significant and have not been “placed aside”, but there may not be something to report on progress every week or even two.  The Board is excited to have Jerry contributing his expertise and continues to focus on moving forward with addressing the facility needs as appropriately as possible.   
            I am available to provide tours of our facilities at any time for those that are interested.  As is always recommended, please communicate with Board members about any questions, concerns, or conversations you may have regarding the district.  The most effective school districts are those that have great teachers, wonderful students, good facilities, and positive public support from the patrons within the communities.  We certainly have the ability to be a great district and hope each of you strives for the same.